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Of or pertaining to the Ancient Greek б”ОПОПОО (Гnteron), enter(o) Gastroenterology gut intestine Epicardium, dermis, Ancient Greek бПО№ (epi-), before, epi on, upon epidural, episclera, upon, on, outside, outside of epistaxis Of or pertaining to the pubic Ancient Greek бПОПО№ОО (epГsion), episi(o) Episiotomy area, the loins the pubic area, loins; vulva Ancient Greek бПП…ОёППП (erythrГs), erythr(o) Denotes a pink colour Erythrocyte purple esophageal, gullet (AmE) Greek Об°ПОПОООП (oisophГgos) Esophagus esophago Esthesioneuroblastoma, esthesio sensation (AmE) Greek О±бПОёОПО№П (aisthД“sis) esthesia eu true, good, nicely, new Об (eГ) Eukaryote ex out of, away from Latin Excision Denotes something as Ancient Greek бОП‰ (exo-), outside Exophthalmos, exo 'exterior' one other of, external exoskeleton further outside Latin Extradural hematoma F Origin language and Affix Meaning Example(s) etymology Latin faciД“s, the face, faci Of or pertaining to the face Facioplegic countenance Latin fibra, fiber, fibril, fibrin, fibrinous fibr fiber <>] pericarditis, fibroblast filament, entrails fil fantastic, hair-like Latin (filum), thread Filament, filum terminale hole, opening, or aperature, foramen Latin Foramen magnum particularly in bone Used to form adjectives indicating Latin (forma), kind, cruciform, cuneiform, kind 'having the form of' form falciform fore earlier than or forward foregut A hole or depressed area; trench or fossa Latin (fossa), ditch, pit fossa ovalis channel Latin (frЕns, entrance-), the front Of or pertaining to the brow frontonasal forehead G Origin language and Affix Meaning Example(s) etymology galact(o) milk Greek ОООО±, ОО±ОО±ОП Galactorrhea Ancient Greek ОО±ППОП (gastД“r), gastr(o) Of or pertaining to the stomach Gastric bypass ОО±ППП-, abdomen, stomach (1) Denotes the sense 'born in, Ancient Greek ООООП (-genД“s), (1) Endogen; (2) gen from' (2) Denotes the sense 'of a from ООО-ОООО№О (gen-nГein), to Heterogenous sure kind' be born Formative, pertaining to genic Greek Cardiogenic shock producing genu Of or pertaining to the knee Latin (genЕ), knee Genu valgum Ageusia, dysgeusia, geusia Taste Ancient Greek ООбПО№П (geusis) hypergeusia, hypogeusia, parageusia gingiv Of or pertaining to the gums Latin gingДva, gum Gingivitis Denoting a gray or bluish-grey Ancient Greek ООО±П…ОПП glauc(o) Glaucoma color (glaukos), gray, bluish-grey gloss(o)-, Ancient Greek ООбППО±, ООбППО± Of or pertaining to the tongue Glossology glott(o) (glЕssa, glЕtta), tongue gluco sweet Greek ООП…ОПП, candy Glucocorticoid glyc(o) sugar Ancient Greek Glycolysis Ancient Greek ООООёОП gnath(o) Of or pertaining to the jaw Gnathodynamometer (gnГthos), jaw gnosis data Greek prognosis, prognosis gon(o) seed, semen; also, reproductive Ancient Greek ОПООП Gonorrhea gram, document or image Greek ОПОВВО± (gramma) Angiogram gramme Ancient Greek ОПО±ПОО± ( instrument used to record knowledge graph graphГa), written, drawn, Electrocardiograph or image graphic interpretation graphy process of recording Ancient Greek Angiography gyno-, gynaeco (BrE), lady Greek ОП…ОО, ОП…ОО±О№О Gynecomastia gyneco (AmE) H Origin language and Affix Meaning Example(s) etymology halluc to wander in thoughts Classical Latin to wander in thoughts Hallucinosis hemat-, Latin (hГma) < Ancient Greek Hematology, older haemato Of or pertaining to blood О±бВО±, О±б±ВО±П (haima, haimat-), type (haem-, hem-) blood Haematology hema or Hemal, blood (AmE) Greek hemo Hemoglobin hemangi or blood vessels Hemangioma hemangio Cerebral hemi one-half Ancient Greek бВО№ (hД“mi-), "half" hemisphere hepat Ancient Greek бПО±П, бПО±ПО Of or pertaining to the liver Hepatology (hepatic-) (hД“par, hД“pato-), the liver Denotes one thing as 'the opposite' Ancient Greek бПОПОП (hГteros), heter(o) (of two), as an addition, or the other (of two), one other; Heterogeneous completely different completely different hidr(o) sweat Greek б±ОПП‰П Hyperhidrosis hist(o)-, histio tissue Greek б±ПППП Histology home(o) related Ancient Greek б…ВОО№ОП (homoios) Homeopathy Denotes something as 'the same' Ancient Greek бВО (homo-), the hom(o) Homosexuality as another or widespread similar, frequent Of or pertaining to the shoulder humer(o) Latin (umerus), shoulder Humerus (or <rarely> the upper arm) hydr(o) water Greek бОП‰П Hydrophobe Ancient Greek б‘ПОП (hyper), Denotes something as 'extreme' hyper over, above; past, to the Hypertension or 'past regular' excessive Denotes one thing as 'under Ancient Greek б‘П(О) (hypo-), hyp(o) Hypovolemia, regular' under, under Of or pertaining to the womb, the Ancient Greek б‘ППОПО± (hystГra), Hysterectomy, hyster(o) uterus womb Hysteria I Origin language and Affix Meaning Example(s) etymology i-asis situation, formation, or presence of Greek ОО±ПО№П Mydriasis Of or pertaining to medication, or a doctor Ancient Greek б°б±ПППП iatr(o) (unusual as a prefix; widespread as a suffix, see Iatrochemistry (iДtrГs), healer, doctor iatry) Denotes a subject in medicine of a sure physique Ancient Greek б°б±ПППП Podiatry, iatry part (iДtrГs), healer, doctor psychiatry ic pertaining to Greek О№ОПП (-ikos) Hepatic artery icle small Latin Ovarian follicle ics organized data, therapy Latin ica < Greek < О№ОО Obstetrics Greek бОО№ОП, idios, "one's idio self, one's own Idiopathic own" ileo ileum Greek б°ООПП Ileocecal valve Infrahyoid infra under Latin muscular tissues Interarticular inter between, among Latin ligament intra within Latin intramural ipsi similar Latin Ipsilateral irid(o) iris Greek бПО№П Iridectomy isch restriction Greek бППП‰ Ischemia Ancient Greek б°ППО№ПО Ischioanal ischio Of or pertaining to the ischium, the hip-joint (ischiГn), hip-joint, fossa ischium ism condition, disease Dwarfism ismus spasm, contraction Greek О№ПВПП Hemiballismus Ancient Greek бПОП (Гsos), iso Denoting one thing as being 'equal' Isotonic equal ist one who specializes in Greek О№ППОП (-istes) Pathologist ite the character of, resembling Greek ОПОП Hermaphrodite itis inflammation Tonsillitis ium construction, tissue pericardium J K L Origin language and Affix Meaning Example(s) etymology labi Of or pertaining to the lip Latin (labium), lip labiodental Lacrimal lacrim(o) tear Latin canaliculi lact(i)-, milk Latin Lactation lact(o) Ancient Greek ОО±ПОПб± lapar(o) Of or pertaining to the abdominal wall, flank Laparotomy (lapГrД), flank Ancient Greek ООПП…ОО, Of or pertaining to the larynx, the decrease throat laryng(o) ОО±ПП…ОО (lГrynx, laryng-), Larynx cavity the place the voice box is throat, gullet Lateral pectoral latero lateral Latin nerve lei(o) clean Greek ООбОП Leiomyoma lepsis, Epilepsy, assault, seizure Greek ОбПО№П lepsy narcolepsy lept(o) light, slender Greek ООПППП (leptos) Leptomeningeal leuc(o)-, Ancient Greek ООП…ОПП Denoting a white color Leukocyte leuk(o) (leukos), white, shiny lingu(a)-, Of or pertaining to the tongue Latin (lingua), tongue Linguistics lingu(o) lip(o) fats Greek ООПОП (lipos) Liposuction liss(os) easy Greek ОО№ПППП (lissos) Lissencephaly lith(o) stone, calculus Greek ОООёОП (lithos) Lithotripsy dialog, catalog, log(o) speech Greek ОПООП (logos) logos Denotes somebody who research a sure subject Ancient Greek ОООО№ППОП Oncologist, logist (the field of logy); a specialist; one (logistД“s), studier, pathologist who treats practitioner Denotes the tutorial research or follow of a Ancient Greek ОПОoП (logos) hematology, logy certain subject; the examine of research urology lumb(o)-, Of or relating to the part of the trunk between Latin (lumbus or lumbaris) Lumbar lumb(a) the lowest ribs and the pelvis. 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